Next, I introduce wands and swords of the Tyldwick Tarot, a deck made in the United Kingdom in 1993. See the previous post for the major arcana.
*Updates on June, 2021* 2nd Edition is now available here, limited 2000 copies.

Its Design (small arcana)
Each suit has a slightly different taste of colour.
Wands = Orange
Swords = Beige
Cups = Blue
Coins = Brown
The orange colour of Wands expresses the vitality.
Ace to 5 of wands
Only few people are drawn on minor arcana cards, but the concept is roughly the same as the standard Rider Waite deck. In 5 of Wands, two people are fighting in the disk on the bottom.
6 – 10 of wands
7 of Wands’ toy soldiers are personally impressive. How hard they work to protect their presence, we feel a sense of sadness. 9 of Wands is a man carrying a large and heavy stone ball. If he raise his face even a little while, he will surely see the red flowers blooming beautifully.
Court cards of wands
From left to right, King, Queen, Knight, and Page.On all the coat cards, a picture of someone’s face is drawn in the mirror.Many rooms have sun-like patterns on the floor.
The sword is mainly beige and has a modest design with overall saturation, so feelings such as glad and sad looking at the card do not move very much.
Ace to 5 of swords
It is not possible to see through the window which is closed with the perfect of Sword 3.In Sword 5, the windows are broken and the ruined building is depicted.There is no sign of a person.
6 – 10 of swords
6 of Swords shows a world map. 8 of Sword to 10 of Swords are too gloomy to mention.
Court cards of swords
From left to right: King, Queen, Knight, and Page.The weather outside seems to be nice.
Cups and coins to the next
Suit of “cups” and “coins” are to be following next.
YouTube video also available here, have a look if you feel like!
