Personal review of the “Self Therapy Cards by Dr. Chuck Spezzano”, released in 2000. 48 cards in total, with detailed hardcover booklet.
By spreading these cards, you may be able to find the cause of your current problems, and tips on how to solve them. It is recommended for those who want to look quietly inside of yourselves, self-counsel and self-development.
Its Designs
All 48 cards are divided into six categories using psychology, eight cards in each category. It is a deck that helps you objectively find an answer that originally exists in yourself.
Several unique spreads of this deck are introduced in the accompanied booklet. Once you get used to the interpretation of the card, I think it’s a good idea to create your own spread that suits you.
VICTIM Card (Black) No.1-6
RELATIONSHIP Card (Orange) No.9-16
UNCONSCIOUS Card (Blue) No.17-24
HEALING Card (Green) No.25-32
GIFTCard (Pink) No.33-40
GRACE Card (White) No.41-48
The size of a card is 117mm x 67mm. It is almost the same as a typical tarot deck, slightly thinner.
Personal Impressions
What I like
The design of the picture is cute with a warm touch of something like coloured pencils.
The attached booklet is deeply detailed. In the photo below, I intentionally blurred some parts, but there is a description in the three pillars: the keyword meaning for each card, a detailed description, and what to do when this card comes out. The longest card description has a detailed explanation of five pages, as far as I go through. It is also possible to play simply with the deck only, but I highly recommend to refer to this book each time you draw a card. Rather, it seems fairly enough as a reading book without a deck.
What I don’t like
Personally, I don’t like the back design of the card very much. The paper is thin but quality is not too bad, i.e. just standard. Some people will not care at all.
Where to Buy
I bought this deck at Kinokuniya Bookstore when I was searching for a psychological decks. As of January 2020, many online shops handles this deck. However, in many cases this kind of products becomes out of print fairly soon. So far, no problem.
Wrap Up
I think this is a useful tool to own one in my room. This gives me a chance to notice the darkness inside me that I did not realize yet. When I’m not satisfied with the result of the card, then I can at least confirm that this case was not a problem for me at the moment.
Not only this card but also same as Tarot or Oracle card, I think it is better to look for what is in me, rather than believing in something that are not sure or at someone’s hands. Please be careful not to get too involved if you are susceptible to fortune-telling.