Small and cute Oracle deck “The Oracle from GAIA” review

oracle from gaia

A brief review of the Japanese “The Oracle from GAIA”. Business-card sized 40 cards.

Its Designs

Numbers and keywords (both Japanese and English) are written on each card. Not only the design of each card, the back design of the deck is so pretty.

oracle from GAIA

oracle from GAIA


This is a Japanese oracle deck released in 2012. The author is named Ere Maria. The size is 58mm x 89mm, almost equivalent to a business card size.

Personal Impressions

What I like

The back design of the deck. Messages on each card are positive.

What I don’t like

The pictures are mixed with both vertical and horizontal. Messages are sometimes too positive to look for any specific answers or cautionary lessons.

Where to buy

As of March 2020, it is available on various mail order sites in Japan.

Wrap Up

Oracle cards are often large in size, so if you’re looking for a small deck that fits perfectly in one hand, it’s just for you.


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