A quick review of The 5-cent Tart by Madam Clara, an indie tarot deck, with the designs inspired by Victorian era posters.
There are animals, flowers, insects, etc. and no human figures. You can choose the deck colour among 5 choices. Here I’m showing the “French lavender” coloured deck. The edges are also colored the same.
Its Designs
Major Arcana
Major Arcana has 4 extra cards as shown below.
#23 The Beyond
#24 The Universe
#25 The Messenger
Minor Arcana
Unlike the Rider Waite version, there are four suits named as below:
Teacups (Cups)
Needles (Swords)
Buttons (Pentacles)
The card size is 70 x 120 mm, standard tarot size.
Keywords are written all over the cards. If you place a card at a reverse position, you can read its reverse keywords as it is. See the photo below.
Each creature drawn on a card has its specific meaning, and details are explained in the attached guidebook.
Following this deck, “Two-Penny Oracle” is said to be released soon, and you can choose round-shaped deck as well as a normal rectangular one.
Personal Impressions
What I Like
Old poster-like atmosphere is unique. Colour of the card back and edge is also beautiful. Cards are linen finished and very good feel.
What I don’t Like
At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish between major arcana and minor.
There is a mixture of cards with keywords drawn on the “ribbons” and without ribbons. Did they forget to draw a ribbon sometimes?
Where to buy
As of February 2021, I got this deck at the author’s Etsy site.
Wrap Up
I also made a video for this deck, so please have a look if you like!